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Ronin - Vesting schedule

View how RON tokens are vested or unlocked over time for different stakeholders.

Note: this data is aggregated from the protocol’s whitepaper, docs, forum posts, and/or core contributors (i.e. not on-chain data).

Daily vesting schedule since launch.

AllocationToken amountDescription
Community300,215,246Nine year vesting period period between the 27th of January 2023 and the 27th of January 2032. Tokens unlock on a continuous basis.
Sky Mavis300,000,001Six and half year vesting period between the 27th of January 2023 and the 27th of May 2029. Tokens unlock on a continuous basis.
Rewards249,784,754Nine year vesting period period between the 27th of January 2023 and the 27th of January 2032. Tokens unlock on a continuous basis.
Ecosystem Fund149,999,999Six and half year vesting period between the 27th of January 2023 and the 27th of May 2029. Tokens unlock on a continuous basis.
Total1,000,000,000Total supply of RON.